A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Information : It's a visual novel game with adult ABDL, diaper wet and few messy, ageplay, BDSM, sexual theme content. You must be 18+ to play this game.The game describes characters that are all 18+ and are consenting in all their acts.

The gender of the main character is not define and if there is a dialogue that says so it's a mistake made by me or a character that wil speak to you as a gender she/he choose.

Sorry in advance for my bad english, I'm french and I try my best with the help of my patrons to create something enjoyable for the ABDL community :)

Story : sequel of Sofia's Secret you have won the possibility to stay at Claire's Nursery an institute that is focus on ABDL and more fetish and you can take the place as a baby or a caregiver.

The game is more acces with mini game interaction than just a visual novel.

Game supporters have 1 update of content in advance + participate to the next udpate, access to concept art, poll, Discord server and more. : 

My suporter can now have acces to teh Stand alone of Ruru Game https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1207140 with :
- A new jacket with a Tittle Ruru game is now Ruru first Exorcism because it's now a stand alone.
- A new title screen that changes when you finish the game.
- A bonus zone when you finsih the game with a gallery + acces to the endings in game.
- An epilogue with a new art + 1alts

Free update :

Rumbe Diaper Game is now a stand alone with the 1.0 version and can be found here : https://lilith-fetish-abdl.itch.io/rumble-diaper-college

So this one conclude and finish the Rumble Diaper College game. What's new :
- The game is now a stand alone from Claire Nursery.
- 2 ending, after defeating Amya you can choose between 2 ending with CG and alts for both.
-After completing the games you can acces to a new tittle sreen with acces to the special map
- Special map alow you to explore every boss, and acces to Claire institute where you can find the gallery of the game. - the 1st title screen has been reforged.
- The game story and map has been reforged so you can have a total story from the begining to the end.

Update 0.22 : Rumble Diaper College ch.11

This update is focus on the Rumble Diaper College game and this is the 11th update of this universe. It's open the last zone the nursery : Sora can now fight the last boss of the game :) with
- Amya the last boss with 7 alts boss fight
- A new outfit for Sora against Amya (Puppy onesie)
- Quick fight the 4 previous and diapered boss in a easy fight.
- 1 new outfit for Sora (Cow milk girl)
- 1 New ending CG (Sora addict to milk?

Update 0.21 : Rumble Diaper College ch.10

This update is focus on the Rumble Diaper College game and this is the 10th update of this universe.

It's close the Bonus Zone : the Beach! after her 3 training phase and the mysterious encounter Sora wills discover who's attack her and being bring to a special playpen!

- New Boss fightJulia with (12 alts)

- Sora will use ancient outfit for her fight + a new one for the ending

- 1 new bad ending with a CG with 5alts

Update 0.20 : Rumble Diaper College ch.9

This update is focus on the Rumble Diaper College game and this is the 9th update of this universe.

It's open a new region : the beach that is a bonus zone! Sora loose her skills?! Why?

- New game mechanics follow the stars (a Simons game like)

- 1 new CG divide in 9 alts creating 4 mini scenes (3 wins and one loose) + introduction. (so don't hesitate to visit the beach after each win)

- 2 new Sprite Girl a life guard and a girl in swimsuit comming with 1 alt each.

Update 0.19 : Rumble Diaper College ch.8

This one focus on the Rumble Diaper College game and this is the 8th update of this universe.

It's close the new region the Church with :

- 2 new fights with Nuns ( with +6alts each with one messy)

- Added a new super VS the Matriarch she now have a new for that extended the fight with new design elements for Sora (+5alts) and the Matriarch (+5alts)

- 1 New scene for the victory against the Matriarch (7 alts)

- 1 New Hiden scene if you lose during the transformation (7alts)

Update 0.18 : Rumble Diaper College ch.7

This one focus on the Rumble Diaper College game and this is the 7th update of this universe.

It's open the new region the Church with :

- 1 New boss (Sprite +alts) with a "Super" move that can mind regress Sora.

- 1 New outfit for Sora with alts

- 1 New ending if you loose ending CG for Sora

- 1 new little intro Scene (Will you reconize the Pajamas Girl?)

Update 0.17 : Rumble Diaper College ch.6

This one focus on the Rumble Diaper College game and this is the 6th update of this universe.

It's close the School region with :

- 3 new fights against Princess's Teachers, 3 to 4 alts per characters and dialogues depends of your health bar + 3 new backgrounds.

- If you win against Princess the scenes goes with 8 more alts

-1 new special scene when you reash 0HP with 9 alts ^^

Update 0.16 Rumble Diaper College ch.5

This one focus on the Rumble Diaper College game and this is the 5th update of this universe.

It's open a new region the School with :

- 1 new intro, with the "Mysterious Student" encounter.

- 1 new Boss Princess the Principal came with 8alts and want to turn Sora into a Kindergarten.

- 1 new outfit for Sora with 7alts

- 2 new Illustrations one if you loose and 1 you  win :)

Update 0.15 Rumble Diaper College ch.4

This one focus on the Rumble Diaper College game and this is the 4th update of this universe.

It's close the love hotel region with :

- 3 new fights against Domina Puppies, 3 to 4 alts per characters and dialogues depends of your health bar + 3 new backgrounds.

- the scene when you win against Domina have now 7 alts with a story :)

- 1 New scene against Domina if you reach 0 health It's not game over ^^ comes with 8alts

 Receptionist :)

Update 0.14 Rumble Diaper College ch.3

This one focus on a new region the Love hotel with :

- 1 New Boss the Dominatrix ( babified by Sora with 8 alts for her outfit) + Win ending CG.

- 1 New outfit for Sora (Puppy with 9 alts) -- + loose Ending CG

- 1 new Mechanique introduction to "Super" moves ^^

- 1 little introduction to the love Hotel with an ancient from Sofia's Secret the

Update 0.13 : Rumble Diaper College ch.2

This update focus to finish Sofia Zone the Dojo with :

- 3 New Sofia's underlings that you can fight. They came with 2 alts each and every dialogues depending of Sora HP. (Ai enhancement +Photoshop painting)

- 1 new CG of Julia the nurse who can put you in diaper vs give you a last chance to fight.

- A story when winning againts Sofia with 1CG and 7 alts.

- Introduction to the mini map since the game as for ambition to not be linear. (Ai generated +Photoshop painting)

- 1 button to lose automatically a round (that was asked by the community)

- Some adjustement to the story to be more coherent.

Update 0.12  New Game Rumble Diaper College:

In this one you play as Sora a student of 21 years old in a special university ruled by Claire.

As her personal champion Sora is summon in her office for a mysterious purpose.

- Fight gameplay Rock paper scisors game (Boss Fight against Ganyu Sofia) depending of your result your clothes will be changed ^^

- 2 CG one for Sofia Loss and one for Sora Loss

- One little introduction to the game with Claire in diaper and Onesie (??)

Update 0.11 :

This one is focus on The Ruru game to add 2 new hidden ending : - Shibari bad ending : 1 CG duo characters with ropes :) with 8 alts - Baby romper bad ending : 1CG taking temperature (10 alts) 2 different path :                        - Enema (messing warning) (9alts)                        - Plug (7 alts)

Update 0.10 :

This one is focus to complete the Ruru game with  :

- A midle encounter with Sofia, will you help change her diaper? ( 1 CG with 11alts) - A new encounter before the end with the Orange Mimic Slime (appears if you don't help Sofia +  - 1 new outfit for Ruru (Shibari)

Update 0.9 :

-1 new Scene for Boosette defeat (12 alts) -2 remade sprite for Green and pink Slime -2 new event meet Aquaria and the baby romper girl Emily. -1 new outfit for Ruru Baby Romper. -Some adjustement to the gameplay to be more enjoyable : -Ruru can now be defenseless or do nothing during battle -Ruru can for some event who lead to an ending choose to resist and keep in the dungeon -The attack % rate success is now fix and not depends of your regression and outfit( It will avoid Ruru miss all her attackts) the fact that the more you loose power the more the ennemy will hit you stay the same - The key drop to continue the story to see Boosette is now link to an event and is not ramdom anymore. (After looting the key you can continue to explore or go to the end)

Update 0.8 :

In this one you Play a video game in the nursery and the video game is the adventure of Ruru the miko a girl who try to exorcise a haunted mansion. First time including RPG's element in an update : Explore the haunted mansion, , exorcise monster, fall in traps :)

- Ruru Sprite (clothes can changes depending of events) - 4 stats (Energy /Blader/ regress/ (Power (hidden depends of what you do ^^) - 4 monsters - 1 Mini Boss (Boosette) - Some events - An annoying spectral voice - 2 bad endings with 2 CG ( 7+3 alts)

Uptade 0.7 :

This one is focus on the baby path with  2 new events :

- 1 bonus scene after you win the store mini game  Natalie will breastfeed Yuhi and you can choose if you want to join or help ^^ (1 CG with 8 alts)
- 1 new event you can go outside your room and find Kat in a bad situtation you can punish or help her ^^ (1 CG with 9 alts) + 1animation :)
 + 1 mini event Natalie can catch you outside of your room now ^^

Update 0.6 :
This one is focus on the Caregiver path with a new Mini game with Yuhi playing in the nursery but she foget to put a diaper!!

- 4 item : Diaper/ baby bottle/ pacifier/ rocking horse.
- clikable zone ( breast and bottom + some other interaction)
- A lot of combinaisons to try and play with Yuhi.
- little animations (eyes and wetting scene)

Update 0.5 :
This one is focus to enhance the baby path with :
2 new stuff to do : 
- Watch TV (3 little story)
- Use the intercom and call Natalie : (1 new mini game with little animated CG) (Natalie can give you now a pull ups) +
 1 little hidden ending ^^
 Will you protect Yuhi or give her all the baby stuff is up to you :)

Update 0.4 :
This one is focus on the baby path :) In the Yuhi little game you can explore now the room  and find 2 new item :

1 new little animated Scene with Kat taking care of you POV.
1 new scene with the toy box, the more you play more babyish item you will find ^^
+ Sprite of Nurse Kat.

Update 0.3 :
This one is focus on the caregiver path and Claire will ask you to change Yuhi diaper after her special nap :) Will you be as good as you have been with Kat? Is up to you :)

- This is a game in the game with :
1 main CG with a lot clikable area
You can remove Yuhi (little clothes)
Play with her body
Different accessoires : Diaper/wipes/plug/Pacigag/ baby bottle
Little animations, sounds and voice sample to help your immersion:)
There is a lot of interaction that the game will take in consideration (Claire and Yuhi)
Loop to retry mini games and shortcuts.

Update 0.2 :
This one is focus on the caregiver path and you will pass a test asked by Claire. This one is simple change Kat's diaper she will help you but can you also make Claire's request satisfy?

- This is a game in the game with :
Different zone where you can clik
Kat Clothes can be removed and you can play a little with her body
Different accessoires : Diaper/ vibrator/pacifier/talcum/baby bottle.
Animations : Eyes, wetting, pacifier have little animations
Little voices sample to help immersion.
Kat will react of what you are doing so be careful of what you are doing :)

Update 0.1 :
This one is focus on the caregiver path and Claire will ask you to change Yuhi diaper after her special nap :) Will you be as good as you have been with Kat? Is up to you :)

- This is a game in the game with :
1 main CG with a lot clikable area
You can remove Yuhi (little clothes)
Play with her body
Different accessoires : Diaper/wipes/plug/Pacigag/ baby bottle
Little animations, sounds and voice sample to help your immersion:)
There is a lot of interaction that the game will take in consideration (Claire and Yuhi)
Loop to retry mini games and shortcuts.

Update frequency :

The game is upload every month and patrons have 2 month update in advance.
The game will be free in the end.

Don't hesiate to share, comments or ask questions I will try my best to answer them :)

Support me :

If you like the game you can find in advance with two month update for the next game project and a lot more (arts, alts caption comics animations here:

Thank you to all my patrons to make this possible :)

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, Android
Rated 4.1 out of 5 stars
(35 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Tagsabdl, Adult, bdsm, diaper
Average sessionAbout a half-hour


Claire_Nursery 0_22.zip 403 MB
Claire's Nursery 0.22.0.apk 369 MB

Install instructions

Windows : Unzip the all folder in your computer--> Open folder---> launch the exe file Claire_Nursery

Android : Download the apk ---> find it in your phone--> Since it's not an playstore apk your phone will ask you if you wnat to accept it (only do it for this app)

Development log

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Do you know when this will have a full version, and maybe (if you know how) will get a version on Apple Phones? I'm kidna getting invested into these

I have a question why is on xgames the 0.7 version and here the 0.22 version only

I only post my games on https://lilith-fetish-abdl.itch.io/ for the free version and on https://subscribestar.adult/lilith-fetish-games for 1 month in advance.

If you find my games on other site it's not me who have post them.

Also 0.22 have 15 updates i advance so it's clearly a pretty old build :)

Will the Ruru game be public?

Sorry I don't understand the game is already public.

When will we get a new dev log

next wedesnay or saturday.

Will this be the last update?

For the Rumble Diaper College game yes in term of content, I will post on itch.io the stand alone when it's going for free next month, after that I will make the Ruru game in stand alone and moving to a new game.

For the Claire's nursery content basic the future is still open.

Deleted 232 days ago

Glad you like it :) Now you have your answer ^^

on the itch io app it wont install


Did you delete your patreon?

patreon is banning abdl content for some reason a bunch of other paterons got banned as well.

No patreon  nuke all ABLD content, this is the new support for the game : https://subscribestar.adult/lilith-fetish-games

(2 edits)

If "Claire's Nursery" is a sequel, then after which of the endings of "Sofia's Secret" do the events of the main game take place?

P.S.: Should we expect a continuation of the main game after the end of RDC?

(1 edit)

Out of curiosity. In the main game it was implied that this Mc was told about Claires Nursery by a friend. Furthermore this friend seems to have told Claire quite a bit about this games Mc and recommended them to Claire directly. Is it supposed to be implied  that the last games Mc is this games Mcs friend? Or is it one of the other characters? And if it is one of the other characters will we ever meet them in this game?

I want to have a connection between the 2 MC so friend can be an idea :)

(3 edits)

It makes perfect sense. I'd imagine there aren't too many people who know about Claire and her nursery. And if we go based on certain endings then the MC should be helping by keeping Claire and Sofia from over stepping or taking things too far... Mainly Claire... point is that it would make sense that the old MC would stick around. Also given the fetishes of the old MC and his...friends...harem... let's just call em friends with benefits for now, it would make sense that they'd help their friend explore and indulge in an unexplored fetish that they were interested in. Especially since they know people that they could introduce the new MC to. 

(3 edits) (-1)

I gotta say I'm curious as to how the nursery will turn out. I mean given that the Nurse is technically our ally would the nursery be willing age play, would it work like a closet for Soras other costumes, or will it be like the other areas? It'd be pretty cool to see a situation where Sora could just have fun and let the nurse play with her progressing from underwear, to padded underwear, to pullup, to diaper, to big diaper, to full regression and going too far will earn you a game over where if you want to go back to a prior state you could do a rock paper scissors battle to determine whether you go back to a prior stage of soras regression or stay where you are. 

Hello ^^ I'm glad you are interested in the nursery, the concept is still in process but I want it to make it special maybe the last zone of the game? or at least something that you unlock later on the game.

Actually every zone in the game is accesccisble directly but I want to make them dived in two time with a little interlude in the middle of the game where you meet the Boss (the person who has made CLaire Fall)

So maybe the nursery will be visited two times or be more complex that a classic area, also Sora will directly start with an alternate outfit that will transform. 
And yes this zone will go with ageplay.

i for some reason i cant play the game cause the tyrano script wont load

Are on windows? if yes did it work previoulsy and did you windows update is at date (yes it's a troubleshooting from Tyrano)

(1 edit)

oh i see and yeah i am on windows so that may be the problem do you have any solutions to the matter? 

i was able to play it a very long time ago and i loved the game hope you keep working on it =^w^=

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

this is weird

Can you make a guide with how to get the endings?

I think the only guide that will be interesting it's the one fr the Ruru game.
Since the 2 others game are not finished.

and it's something that I plan for whan I will do the finish version and separated it from the Claire's Nursery. ^^

when will you be continuing the main part of the game?

sorry I only ask because I really want to be able to interact with the other characters and so far the main part of the game looks like it will be a very fun sandox-ish game where you can interact with the characters from sofias secret as well as some new characters as either little or caretaker and I'm just hoping that that part of the game isn't dead.

I don't have a date for the return of the main part of the game and for multiple reasons:
- First I like to explore game in the game type and want to push more stand alone game. For example the Ruru game is finished in term of content and I will create a more polished stand alone version.

- SInce I just start the new game Rumble Diaper college I think it will take at least 10 updates to finish so 10month in total before I will see if I come back to the main part.

-THe main part of the game is divide in 2 part the Caretaker where it's more puzzle game with the girls and the ambitious baby part. Since the software that I use it's just a visual novel software in drag and drop with no code (I'm not a programmer at all and don't know how to code something) I do want I can with with jumps and variables so at some points I need to simplify this part to be playable. 

In resume I need more experience if I want to create something enjoyable in the main part of the game, and it's takes time :)


can they make a iPhone port please 

Actually it's not in the project


im entry dark itch.io or something ☠️


please show again Yuhi wearing diapers and maid like in Sofia's Secret   

Will there be an Android version?

Yes there is already one, I made a mistake by ticking the Linux box and not the android one during the uploading the update on Itch.io it's corrected now ^^

(1 edit)

Something about this game versus Sophia's Secret doesn't integrate with the itch client.  It's as if it can't find a release version to install.

Sorry I don't understand the question the game is an folder in zip that you need to download here on itchio and after unzip it launch the exe it's not incoporate in it'ch.io.

Itch has a native windows client like GoG or Steam to make things like library management, updates, and installs easier than just logging in periodically looking for zip files and manually putting them places.  With Sophia's Secret it's a simple install button.  For some reason though, I'm guessing something related to how things are published on itch, that's not an option for Claire's Nursery.  It's not a client thing as everything else works fine.  It just seems like there's something different that's not letting the native client understand there's a release to install.

Hello there I honestly don't know I you will respond but I hope I can. See this game when it is fully polished I hope you can. Show me that someday if you are determined to do so if not that is fine but of possible I'd like to see it😁

I will try my best, the game is update every month so It's takes times but it will be finished someday just like Sofia's Secret :

aaah enfin un compatriote de culture. bonne chance pour ton projet. Si tu cherche un illustrateur en plus un jour je me porterais volontiers candidat. 


Merci c'est tres gentil je suis plus dessinateur que créateur de jeux mais j'essaye quand même ^

Amazing art. Love the writing and how choices matter. Just wish it was a lot longer. Very good ABDL game. Sadly, no sissification :'(

Glad you like it :) It's true that I don't explore this part it was something that I want to do with the Valentina character from Sofia's Secret but I go for a different path in the end.


I love your game so much hope you can make much more

I will continue to create every month an update and since this game is more a game in the game project I will continue to explore and xreate more stuff ^^